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[ZAMKNIĘTY] Ban Appeal - Wersja do druku

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+--- Wątek: [ZAMKNIĘTY] Ban Appeal (/showthread.php?tid=7322)

Ban Appeal - kazDROPS - 09.11.2018

1.Nick:  kazDROPS

2.Powód:"Obraza adm xZakk creative"

3.Czas jaki pozostał do końca kary: Uh,I think around 7 hours.

4.Nick Administratora, który nadał karę: The person that banned me was xZakk,  for one hour, then he called another staff member to increase the ban's length, so now Rexio120.

5.Dlaczego powinieneś mieć zniesioną karę: Reason why should I be banned? Firstly, I'd like to apologise to YOu, Zakk, for saying unwanted insulting slurs, I didn't mean to personally insult you, as it was only for a joke. I did not mean to  actually insult you, if I did. I'm really sorry,

6.Dowody, jeżeli takowe posiadasz: Proof? I don't have any proof of me insulting him, but I have proof that I'm banned.

RE: Ban Appeal - xZakk - 10.11.2018

Joke? I don’t like jokes. You didn’t just offend me but all administrations.

RE: Ban Appeal - test10 - 14.11.2018

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